3 Ways To Stay Motivated In Ministry

Lack of Motivation

How are your outreach and discipleship efforts going? Is your ministry recognized by others? Some of you have formal ministries, churches, and positions, but many do not. Praise God, the Body of Christ is full of people who witness, pray and disciple others.

More importantly, how are you? Are you encouraged or discouraged? Are you motivated or unmotivated?

It is difficult for many of us to admit when we are discouraged or lack motivation. Consider these warning signs:

  • Low energy and drive to accomplish a goal.
  • Not caring as much.
  • Procrastination.
  • Easily distracted.
  • Lacking interest.
Staying Motivated In Ministry
Staying Motivated In Ministry

There are many reasons for a lack of motivation.  One big reason we have heard over and over is the overwhelming difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The unprecedented challenges our communities, country and world have experienced this year have impacted everyone. Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones. Our prayers are with those who are still suffering from Covid-19. We are also praying for the medical communities, first responders, families who have lost income, and businesses who have been shut down. It seems the ongoing ripple effect and those impacted is never ending.

Ministers are among the most essential professionals during any crisis. They are also essential to long-term recovery. People turn to pastors and ministers for guidance and wisdom. Chaplains deal with sickness, death, and grief daily. Pastoral counselors assist people who have experienced loss, tragedy, relationship challenges, and many other issues. Ministers share their lives as part of their discipleship efforts. They pray with people, cry with people, and sometimes laugh with them.

Ministers are susceptible to burn out, discouragement, and lack of motivation just like other professionals.

We will share 3 ways to stay motivated in ministry on our May evening webcast.  Hope you can join us.

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