Course or Ordination Program Sign Up

Experience Ministries offers courses for Ordination and Christian growth as part of our overall discipleship focus. We also have courses, articles and outreach information. Some of these courses are part of specific programs such as ordination for pastors, ministers, and clergy. Other courses are part of our support system, ongoing discipleship of believers, or outreach. A few courses require sign up to a specific program such as ordination. We offer free teachings as well. We would love to help you receive the information You can request one of the additional courses to expand your training.

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Discipleship or Ordination Courses

Once you have registered an account on our website you will have access to our free content. If you would like to take an additional course use the form below to request access.

If you desire to sign up for our ordination and clergy credentialing program you will need to review our Ordination Guide. This guide gives the details about our ordination process. Once you have reviewed the guide you can request the Ordination Application.

Course Sign Up Request
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If you would like information on a specific topic let us know. We may have an article, video, or information that has not been put on the website yet. If you are in the process of discovering your spiritual gifts, calling to ministry, or seeking help with living the Christian life we may be able to help. Not everyone is a pastor, minister, or chaplain, but we are all called to ministry. Your ministry may not require ordination or clergy credentials. Our goal is to equip the Body of Christ, support ministers, and offer credible ordination and clergy credentialing.