1st Quarter Report

Current Minister’s Quarterly Report Displayed Below

About The Minister’s Report

Quarterly Reports are an important aspect of commissioning and ordination through Experience Ministries. They help us understand more about your ministry and how to support you.

There are several things you should know before filling out the quarterly report. Take a moment to review these and make sure you’re ready.

  • When you complete the form it will email you a copy. If you do not receive a copy there was most likely an error.
  • Most fields are required. Receiving a blank form doesn’t help anyone.
  • There is a text box at the bottom to provide extra space.

1st Quarter 2025 – January – March
Each quarter we will be asking different questions. Please take the time to give us accurate and complete information. This helps us understand what ministry you are involved with and how to support you.
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What is your Bible reading plan?
Use the extra space below if you would like to elaborate.
What is your Bible study like? Check all that apply.
Bible study is different that Bible reading. Reading is an overview, study is digging deep into the text. Both are important. Use the extra space below if you would like to elaborate on how you study the Bible.
Do you take online courses, seminars, or training?
Online courses, seminars, and training has increased over the last 5 years. Do you participate in online training?
Ministers, like other care givers have a tendency to give until they are give out. How do you fill back up and do you take enough self-care time?
Continuing education courses may include bible studies, counseling courses, business courses, ministry courses, or other training to help improve your ministry skills.

Legal, Moral or Ethical Issues

As a minister credentialed by Experience Ministries, you are required to report all moral, ethical and legal complaints or actions as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to report legal, ethical or moral issues may result in termination of your clergy credentials.
Have there been any legal, moral or ethical complaints or actions against you this quarter?
If yes, use the additional space to explain.
We would love to hear more on any topic.